Monday, August 25, 2008

A Day Out With Thomas

This past weekend we packed up the van and headed to Ottawa to go to A Day Out With Thomas event at the Ottawa Central Railway. Jack and I attended the event with Laura and Nicholas. Although he had a good time, I think I was more excited than Jack was. Jack enjoyed himself until it was time to pose for a picture with Sir Topham Hat.

He claims (and still does when looking at pictures) that he is afraid of him. lol I find that quite amusing. He hasn't given me any excuse yet why the scenario was the same when posing with Thomas. I'm blaming that on 1) waking up at 5:50am (thanks Oliver) 2) it was hot 3) it was past lunch time and we still hadn't had anything to eat 4) it really is typical Jack behaviour.

While in Ottawa, we stayed at Shawn's Aunt Tootsie's house. It was a nice visit. It was the first time she met Oliver. Jack also surprised me by not being shy with her as it's been awhile since he has seen her. We were also lucky enough to have a little visit with cousins Tiffany, Chris and Jax who were also visiting from Kingston.

To my surprise, the kids were really good for both the car trip there and back. We even managed to make it home without having to make any stops along the way. We made it home in record time. It made me really thankful my kids are used the the long car trips from going home to Midland all the time.

It was a fun and succesful weekend and I'm glad we made the trip.

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