Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Four Years

In just over 3 weeks, Jack is going to be turning 4. Did you read that? He's going to be 4!! I have been finding this very hard to come to grips with. Four? Already? Has it already been 4 years? Shit. Seriously, it does not feel like I have been a mother that long already. It really makes me feel old.
These past four years have gone by so quickly. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Jack. Let's just say, I was very, very surprised. In shock even. Oh, I shed many tears as soon as I had left the health center office. I remember the look on Shawn's face as I walked out of the office. I remember him putting his arms around me, asking me what was wrong and telling me everything was going to be okay. He told me he would support me with whatever decision I made (like there was even one to be made).
I kept being pregnant a secret for a long time from everyone but my best friend and a couple of girls from work. I can remember how scared I was to tell my Mom. I don't even know why I was scared to tell her. I was 24, graduated from college and in a committed relationship. What was I even afraid of?
He's taught me a lot. Patience (some of you may laugh at this because I still have a lot of work to do but trust me, I'm better) being the biggest. He has also taught me to have better time management skills, the art of compromise and that leaving anything that you don't want broken, colored on, spilled or in the toilet within reach and unattended for even just a second = bad idea.
These past four years have been a whirlwind of fun. I wouldn't trade them for anything. It has been the best four years of my life and I am looking forward to continuing to watch Jack grow into the little man he is becoming.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Oh geez. It's been awhile since I last posted. I'm blaming it on Edward, the object of my vampire obsession. Seriously. I didn't get it at first. I didn't understand what the big deal was about this vampire love story that everyone kept talking about. Then, my sister is all over the books and so I decided I was going to read Twilight. It's a good thing I was at my Mom's while I read it otherwise my poor children would have been neglected for the day and a half it took me to read it. Kidding, kidding. I wouldn't neglect my children. I'm seriously, joking. But for real, I couldn't stop reading it. When I got to the end, I just ripped right into the second book New Moon. I've now finished the 3rd, Eclipse and am waiting for Wednesday to get a copy of Breaking Dawn. I can't wait. I'm going to be so upset when I have no more story to read. I may just have to start all over. I've never done that. I don't think I've ever read a book more than once. I would read these 4 books again. Weird.

Christmas was good. The family was all over. The kids received many, many gifts. We are very blessed to have so many people who love us. We somehow managed to sit us all around the table together at the same time for dinner. It was nice having all of my family over and together. It got a little crazy at times but it was all worth it. We made our way over to Laura's to spend some time with Shawn's family. Every Christmas I feel bad that one of our family's seems to get the shaft with our time. I at least try to even it out by alternating whose family gets it each year. That makes up right?
New Year's was very low key and by low key I mean I was asleep by 9:30pm. I worked until 8pm, then came home, sent Shawn on his way and curled up on the couch to watch some TV. I didn't last very long.

If we are moving in 4 weeks, I guess I should start thinking about packing. Now it's to go out and get some boxes. I hate that part. There are never enough boxes. At least we are only going upstairs so that will hopefully make it easier. I'm banking on this fact. There is just so much stuff. How did we accumulate so much stuff? There is going to be a serious purging of toys. The kids don't play with half of the toys they have. It's been a long time since Jack has asked me to open the toy box. He can't be too interested in the toys that are in there. I've already waved my white flag and given up my home until the kids are both school age but still, there is a line to be drawn on how many toys are really necessary. How many shape sorters does one kid need? And books. Don't get me wrong. I love books. I love books, I love to read, Jack loves books and loves to be read to. But we have so many books. Many, many, many books. Books everywhere. Two shelves full, the top of the shelf, under the tv, in cubbies, scattered across the floor. They are everywhere. Do we read them all? Of course not. We read the same ones over and over and over again. I can't wait to purge. It's going to feel so refreshing.