Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Potty Training

When I decided it was time to say good-bye to diapers for Jack, I thought it was going to be a week of messes and be done with. Ha. Little did I know Jack was having nothing to do with that. First off, he refused to use the potty. It was only upon coming across a Thomas and Friends toilet seat that he became interested and actually starting sitting on the toilet to go pee. We moved from pull-ups to underwear. He's even pooping in the toilet. Not all the time, but at least most of the time. We even have night time tackled. And then it just hasn't progressed any further. In fact, it's even worse. Jack never poops in the toilet. Never. As in, he always poops in his pants. He doesn't even try. I try really hard to remind myself he's only 3, give it some time but really, who is interested in cleaning poopy underwear every day? I don't understand this whole "you shouldn't scold him for accidents". Am I just supposed to act like it's normal and okay he is pooing his pants? I dump it in the toilet, "See Jack, when we poo we poo in the toilet. Maybe next time we'll make it". That's a lot of next times. We still aren't making it. It is really, very frustrating.
And then Jack reminds me about all the other reasons I love him so much.

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Common Cold

Don't you just hate the common cold? Sniffling, coughing. All around just feeling crappy. There is nothing to make you feel better unless you want to consume something that just might knock you on your ass. I have two kids to look after, that's not an option. What is even greater than having a cold yourself? When you try your hardest to not spread your germs to your children, but are unsuccessful. Is that even possible? Seriously. How does a sick mother keep her children from becoming sick? I want to know the secret.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Here fishy, fishy, fishy, fishy

Every April I like to take a walk down to the Bowmanville Creek to the Goodyear Dam to watch the fish try to make their way upstream. I'm pretty sure the fish are salmon. I'm also pretty sure they do this to spawn. This year was even more fun because Jack also got to watch the fish jumping out of the water trying to make it over the dam. He thought this was pretty exciting.
What he isn't going to find so exciting, is seeing/smelling all the dead fish that are to follow.

Monday, April 14, 2008

In Memory of Ava

Just like most people today, I have a Facebook account. Facebook has allowed me to connect with friends and acquaintances from college, high school and before. Today, my thoughts and prayers are with one of these acquaintances. Her name is Karla. I know Karla from high school. Aside from having a few classes together, we never really spoke much. Looking over Karla's Facebook profile I came across a link she had posted. This link brought me to her blog. I started to read it. It is this first visit to her blog that I learned so much about her.
On this day in 2005, Karla gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Ava. It is also on this same day she and her husband had to do what no parent should ever have to. They had to say good bye. Ava lived for only 7 short hours. Every year Karla and her family release balloons in the air in honor of her. This year, I also plan to do the same. I plan to do this every year for Karla, to honor the memory of her baby girl. It's the least I can do. May you always rest in peace. xo

You'll want to know more:

Monday, April 7, 2008

Up With the Birds

Ever since I was young, I've been an early riser. I wish I could tell you that early meant 0700 but I can't. By early, I'm talking 0500/0530. It is starting to become pretty inconvenient. While I used to be able to have a nap somewhere around the 0700 mark, I can no longer do this. My days are starting to become long. I used to blame it on Oliver since that is around the time he wakes for a bottle, but he has been at Nana's the last couple of mornings and I'm still up. It's like, once I'm awake that's it. There is no going back to sleep. This explains why I'm dead beat tired and asleep at 8pm. Sadly, I am in bed asleep long before Jack is. If Shawn worked evenings, I'd be in trouble.

Friday, April 4, 2008

A Little About Me

I'm not too sure where to begin. I decided on a whim to start writing a blog. I've been reading a few and thought it would be nice to have someplace to jot down my thought and feelings, have a place to vent even if nobody is going to read it.
I grew up in Midland, a community situated on Georgian Bay. Well, that's partly a lie. I didn't actually grow up in the Town of Midland, I grew up outside of Midland in Tiny Township. We lived by the beach. It was one of the most beautiful beaches, very private. I miss it dearly. It's where I spent my summer vacations from sunrise to sunset. I would spend all my time outdoors as a kid. We didn't have cable (it wasn't available out where we lived). We got a total of 3 channels and that was when the weather was nice and the antenna was positioned just right. I definitely didn't know what my friends were talking about when the subject of TV came up at school. It was nice though.
When I was 17 my parents separated and this when I moved closer to town with my Mom and little sister. After a couple of years, we made the move right into town. This is when I became lazy. I stopped riding my bike. I had no more beach to swim, play frisbee or volleyball. My only form of exercise became walking wherever I wanted to go because I didn't get my license until I turned 21.
After high school, I ventured off to Humber College in Toronto only to discover the city lifestyle was not for me (although, it was A LOT of fun). I transferred far away all the way up to Sudbury. Man, is it ever cold up there. I'm proud to say that after my break and transfer, I graduated from Cambrian College with a 3-year Child and Youth Worker diploma. This is one of the top 3 things I am most proud about.
I met my partner Shawn online via ICQ in 2002. We chatted for a few months and decided on a whim to meet. We've been together ever since. I sometimes can't believe it's already been 5.5 years. In 2004, we found out by surprise that we were expecting our first baby. Jack was born Monday, February 7th, 2005. He weighed 6lbs, 140z. We have since had a second son, Oliver. Oliver was born Saturday November 10th, 2007. More about my pregnancies and deliveries to follow.
I'm ending today's post. Enough about me and only me. Here's to hoping this is as therapeutic as I'm hoping.
