Monday, April 14, 2008

In Memory of Ava

Just like most people today, I have a Facebook account. Facebook has allowed me to connect with friends and acquaintances from college, high school and before. Today, my thoughts and prayers are with one of these acquaintances. Her name is Karla. I know Karla from high school. Aside from having a few classes together, we never really spoke much. Looking over Karla's Facebook profile I came across a link she had posted. This link brought me to her blog. I started to read it. It is this first visit to her blog that I learned so much about her.
On this day in 2005, Karla gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Ava. It is also on this same day she and her husband had to do what no parent should ever have to. They had to say good bye. Ava lived for only 7 short hours. Every year Karla and her family release balloons in the air in honor of her. This year, I also plan to do the same. I plan to do this every year for Karla, to honor the memory of her baby girl. It's the least I can do. May you always rest in peace. xo

You'll want to know more:

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