Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Potty Training

When I decided it was time to say good-bye to diapers for Jack, I thought it was going to be a week of messes and be done with. Ha. Little did I know Jack was having nothing to do with that. First off, he refused to use the potty. It was only upon coming across a Thomas and Friends toilet seat that he became interested and actually starting sitting on the toilet to go pee. We moved from pull-ups to underwear. He's even pooping in the toilet. Not all the time, but at least most of the time. We even have night time tackled. And then it just hasn't progressed any further. In fact, it's even worse. Jack never poops in the toilet. Never. As in, he always poops in his pants. He doesn't even try. I try really hard to remind myself he's only 3, give it some time but really, who is interested in cleaning poopy underwear every day? I don't understand this whole "you shouldn't scold him for accidents". Am I just supposed to act like it's normal and okay he is pooing his pants? I dump it in the toilet, "See Jack, when we poo we poo in the toilet. Maybe next time we'll make it". That's a lot of next times. We still aren't making it. It is really, very frustrating.
And then Jack reminds me about all the other reasons I love him so much.


HMH Photography said...

love the photo

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. Suffering this dilemma with my 4 yr old son who I just want to tie to the toilet sometimes!!
Hope success happens soon for you!

Carolyn said...

I don't understand Jack either..He did start out so well with pooping in the toilet..maybe he thinks if his brother can still have his bottom cleaned for him he can as well..Who knows what goes through their minds *S*
Enjoy, it won't be long and you will be wishing they were babies again