Monday, April 7, 2008

Up With the Birds

Ever since I was young, I've been an early riser. I wish I could tell you that early meant 0700 but I can't. By early, I'm talking 0500/0530. It is starting to become pretty inconvenient. While I used to be able to have a nap somewhere around the 0700 mark, I can no longer do this. My days are starting to become long. I used to blame it on Oliver since that is around the time he wakes for a bottle, but he has been at Nana's the last couple of mornings and I'm still up. It's like, once I'm awake that's it. There is no going back to sleep. This explains why I'm dead beat tired and asleep at 8pm. Sadly, I am in bed asleep long before Jack is. If Shawn worked evenings, I'd be in trouble.

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