Friday, April 4, 2008

A Little About Me

I'm not too sure where to begin. I decided on a whim to start writing a blog. I've been reading a few and thought it would be nice to have someplace to jot down my thought and feelings, have a place to vent even if nobody is going to read it.
I grew up in Midland, a community situated on Georgian Bay. Well, that's partly a lie. I didn't actually grow up in the Town of Midland, I grew up outside of Midland in Tiny Township. We lived by the beach. It was one of the most beautiful beaches, very private. I miss it dearly. It's where I spent my summer vacations from sunrise to sunset. I would spend all my time outdoors as a kid. We didn't have cable (it wasn't available out where we lived). We got a total of 3 channels and that was when the weather was nice and the antenna was positioned just right. I definitely didn't know what my friends were talking about when the subject of TV came up at school. It was nice though.
When I was 17 my parents separated and this when I moved closer to town with my Mom and little sister. After a couple of years, we made the move right into town. This is when I became lazy. I stopped riding my bike. I had no more beach to swim, play frisbee or volleyball. My only form of exercise became walking wherever I wanted to go because I didn't get my license until I turned 21.
After high school, I ventured off to Humber College in Toronto only to discover the city lifestyle was not for me (although, it was A LOT of fun). I transferred far away all the way up to Sudbury. Man, is it ever cold up there. I'm proud to say that after my break and transfer, I graduated from Cambrian College with a 3-year Child and Youth Worker diploma. This is one of the top 3 things I am most proud about.
I met my partner Shawn online via ICQ in 2002. We chatted for a few months and decided on a whim to meet. We've been together ever since. I sometimes can't believe it's already been 5.5 years. In 2004, we found out by surprise that we were expecting our first baby. Jack was born Monday, February 7th, 2005. He weighed 6lbs, 140z. We have since had a second son, Oliver. Oliver was born Saturday November 10th, 2007. More about my pregnancies and deliveries to follow.
I'm ending today's post. Enough about me and only me. Here's to hoping this is as therapeutic as I'm hoping.


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