Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Four Years

In just over 3 weeks, Jack is going to be turning 4. Did you read that? He's going to be 4!! I have been finding this very hard to come to grips with. Four? Already? Has it already been 4 years? Shit. Seriously, it does not feel like I have been a mother that long already. It really makes me feel old.
These past four years have gone by so quickly. I remember the day I found out I was pregnant with Jack. Let's just say, I was very, very surprised. In shock even. Oh, I shed many tears as soon as I had left the health center office. I remember the look on Shawn's face as I walked out of the office. I remember him putting his arms around me, asking me what was wrong and telling me everything was going to be okay. He told me he would support me with whatever decision I made (like there was even one to be made).
I kept being pregnant a secret for a long time from everyone but my best friend and a couple of girls from work. I can remember how scared I was to tell my Mom. I don't even know why I was scared to tell her. I was 24, graduated from college and in a committed relationship. What was I even afraid of?
He's taught me a lot. Patience (some of you may laugh at this because I still have a lot of work to do but trust me, I'm better) being the biggest. He has also taught me to have better time management skills, the art of compromise and that leaving anything that you don't want broken, colored on, spilled or in the toilet within reach and unattended for even just a second = bad idea.
These past four years have been a whirlwind of fun. I wouldn't trade them for anything. It has been the best four years of my life and I am looking forward to continuing to watch Jack grow into the little man he is becoming.


Anonymous said...

You and Shawn have done an awesome job raising Jack and Oliver. Jack is the most polite little guy and smart as a whip..He is someone that you are always proud to take out with you because you know you can talk to him before you leave about behaviour and he follows through and uses manners. You couldn't ask for better children, which goes back to the parenting..
It saddens me to know that all five of my grandchildren are growing up so quickly..they are going to catch up to e in no time hehe
Love you all

Beth Smith said...

Time does fly, I had a similar reaction finding out I was pregnant the first time too!