Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Ugh. Oliver has started to bite. What the hell? It's starting to really annoy me. Twice now he has bitten Jack hard enough to leave little teeth marks. Jack is pretty good about it. He just tells Oliver "NO BITING" until I make my way over to remove him. I'm not really too sure what I should be doing. I just firmly take him away, sit him on his bum and tell him we don't bite. I would like to think that is enough and is getting the message across because he gets upset and cries when I do this, but he will do it again (not right away but later on). Every time he comes near me and puts his mouth anywhere near a body part, I cringe and anticipate a bite. I haven't had to deal with a bitter yet. I hope this is a phase that goes as quickly as it came.
Suggestions anyone? Please don't tell me to bite him back. I would never, ever do that. That is just horrible.


Anonymous said...

oh no! Well I don't have any suggestions for you, as Milli is a "hitter" and an occasional "hair puller" (only at daycare for the latter. Anytime Milli is rough I always bust out me telling her "gentle touch" and then gently pat the area where she hit with her hand under mine. 50/50 success rate. Sometimes she laughs at me and then hits me again, then I just hold her little hand out so she can't do it again. and laugh ONLY in my head and then try to problem solve a new strategy. soooo uh, this won't really help with the biting though.

Beth said...

I wish I had advice for you, haven't hit that phase with Jr yet. Thanks for the advice on #2 coming. You are right, when I think about it, having Hubby home in the beginning would mess up routines like crazy! Glad I am not alone.