Holy geez. I'm already 16 weeks pregnant. No complaints really. Okay so maybe I'm a little bit anxious to look and feel a little less fat and a little more pregnant. I'm not really fond of this in between stage. I've made the jump from my regular pants to maternity pants because well, they just fit and feel so much better. In just a few weeks it will be time for the ultrasound that will hopefully tell us if we are having a boy or a girl. I'm pretty anxious for this. The suspense is killing me. I hate not knowing.
I had my first prenatal appointment with the midwife this week. I am happy to report that I have gained only 2 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago. How I made it through the Christmas holidays with two turkey dinners and unlimited sweets at my fingertips with only a 2 pound weight gain I don't know but I sure as hell am not going to complain.
Jack and Oliver are doing well. I can't believe that in only a months time Jack is going to be celebrating his 5th birthday. Holy crap! Five is a big birthday. It's hard for me to believe I've been a Mommy for almost 5 years now. It sure has been a blessing and a heck of a lot of fun.
What to say about Oliver. Hmmm. The boy keeps us busy. He's as sweet as pie but can be a little hellion. I guess it goes along with being 2. He is also a little chatter box. It will be nice when he isn't just saying "No. Don't want to (insert whatever it is I'm asking him to do or telling him it's time to do). Lately his favorite thing to do is recite the alphabet. It's really quite cute listening to him. He really only gets like the first 3 or 4 letters right then it's just him stammering through the rest but he does make 26 sounds and sings the "now I know my alphabet" part. The boy never ceases to amaze me.
I think the best part about my boys, is watching them love each other and being kind to each other. I mean, they have their moments but overall they really seem to genuinely like each other. Jack says every day how cute his brother is and that he loves him. Oliver gets super excited every morning when Jack wakes up or comes home from school. They greet each other with a "good morning and did you have a good sleep" every day. I just love seeing them love each other. It gives me nice warm fuzzies. Being a Mommy rocks. I love and enjoy it more and more every day.