Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Do you ever set goals? Do you ever meet them? Sometimes I will make some goals in my head and I've learned that this is not an effective form of goal making because nobody knows about them so I guess I don't really feel obligated to actually work toward meeting them. I do often wonder if I made my goals public if I would feel more enticed to meet them but I don't really think that will make a difference. So, like how I make my goals, I beat myself up the same way for not even trying to meet them.
It's just so easy to get unmotivated.
My current goal is to shed this disgusting baby weight I'm carrying around with me. When I get pregnant, I get all crazy and just eat whatever the hell I want without a care in the world. After my babies are born, I completely regret it because it just isn't easy to lose the weight. You would think I would have learned my lesson this third time around but no.
I do realize my kid is only 2 months old. I know "they" say it took 9 months to gain the weight so I should give myself the same amount of time to lose it. I just can't wait for the summer to be over (gasp) so that it isn't a million degrees both inside and out. I know that is a poor excuse (the heat) but I just can't bring myself to get outside and jog or work up a sweat working out when I'm already sweating. Also, it is not easy finding time in a day with 3 small kids. Perhaps I just need to make it more of a priority and then I will find the time. I do after all find the time to play poker once a week and watch my show for an hour every day. It isn't even like I want to lose a tremendous amount of weight. I just want to be able to wear my old clothes again. That would be nice. I have never gone back down to my pre Jack weight. That would be absolutely superb but I am at least realistic with my goals.


1001 Petals said...

Yeah, 2 months is still very early. I still hadn't lost all my baby weight 2 yrs after V was born!! lol, I gained 67 lbs though.

If you eat well most of the time, and have a fairly active lifestyle, won't most of it come off naturally though? That's how I lost 50. I do wish I worked out more though, made time for that. I do plan on working out a few times a week once the next one is born.

Could you substitute walking for driving? That burns a lot, especially with a stroller.

Maybe just dedicating 20 mins a day to some stretching, like yoga or whatever you prefer, would be good. But you do have a newborn so it's not like you can do a lot, right.

Unknown said...

When I saw you days after having Reed you looked great! I wouldn't beat yourself up too much, it will come, plus you never look like you gain a lot of weight during your pregnancies.
It sounds super stupid but I really think it has helped me shed a lot of weight this time. Eating speical K every morning. You just have to find something that works for you and it will all slowly come off.