Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Oliver

Today I celebrate the birth, growth and development of my baby boy. It's crazy to think it was a year ago today I was in denial about the possibility of actually being in labor. It was about this time, 11:30, that I was getting ready to go shopping for a take home outfit. I remember being in a store and having THAT contraction. The one that was more painful and intense the they had been. When I think back now, what was I thinking? The embarrasement I would have felt had my water broke. Thank goodness that didn't happen.
It has been a great pleasure to watch Oliver grow into the little person he is becoming. He has brought many smiles to my face. I love that little boy and I can't wait to keep watching him grow and become and young man.
We celebrated his birthday yesterday with close family and friends. It was nice having everyone together to celebrate his birthday with us. I thank you all for coming.
Unfortunately Oliver isn't feeling well. He started to have a fever yesterday afternoon and continues to have one today. He is getting plenty of sleep and will hopefully start feeling better soon. Poor little pumpkin.

1 comment:

milli's momma said...

Happy 1st Birthday Sweetheart! Hope you are feeling better soon....