After reading a couple of blog posts on the subject (
here and
here) I was inspired to write a post on the subject myself. I don't know many other child rearing subjects that causes more debate then breastfeeding vs bottle/formula feeding.
I am a bottle/formula feeding Mom and I am not the least bit ashamed of this. I don't judge breastfeeding Moms because of their choice and it would be really wonderful if it were the same the other way around. Think what you want about bottle/formula feeding but for real,
shut the fuck up there is no reason for you to judge anyone else about choices they make for them and their families.
I will probably open up a can of worms here but I don't 100% agree with "breast is best". I know I'm not a doctor or any kind of medical professional but my thoughts are strictly based on my experience of having 3 kids.
Here are my counter arguments to some of the reasons why breast is best.
Nursing provides a time of close personal and physical bonding between Mom and baby.
Guess what? I have bonded perfectly with my children. Even though it's a bottle in their mouth and not by boob, feeding time is still a time of close personal and physical bonding. Guess what else? For Daddy too.
Medical evidence is clear: breast milk results in healthier babies and stronger immune system.
I disagree with this one
. As I said earlier, I know I am not a medical professional but this is based on my experience of having 3 kids. My kids are very healthy. Aside from the common cold, they very rarely, if ever get sick. Jack is almost 6 and has been on an antibiotic once and this was back in May for tonsillitis. Oliver has never been on an antibiotic. Neither of my kids have ever had an ear infection or any other illness.
Of course, all I can do is compare their health to the health of my friends babies/kids who were/are breastfed.
Babies who are breastfed go to sleep faster, and are more easily soothed than bottle babies.
Ha. Again, I disagree. Jack and Oliver were both sleeping through the night by 13 weeks. Ask me about my friends breastfed babies who weren't sleeping through the night until they were almost 6 months old or older!!! Oy
Breastfeeding is easier and less work.
Easier and less work? This is supposed to be a deterrent? I didn't realize washing bottles (which takes like 3 minutes) was a lot of work. So I need to warm my kids bottle before feeding it to him. This is a big deal? This too is a lot of work?
From what my breastfeeding friends tell me, breastfeeding wasn't all that fun and easy for the first weeks. Dreadful and painful infact. Yes it did become easier with time but I still don't find bottle feeding to me hard or a lot of work.
These are just a few examples I often read and/or hear. I'm not saying that one is better than the other. My point is, they both have their pros and cons. Like parenting isn't hard enough on it's own, and there aren't a million things you can debate and worry about, nobody should ever make anyone else feel bad about a choice they have made. Because some of you Moms out there breastfeed, it doesn't mean that you are a better parent or care more about your children than us bottle/formula feeding Moms. All I ask is that we all be respectful of each others choices.