Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Do you as an adult keep your vaccinations up to date?  I was sitting here and thinking, those of us who vaccinate our kids (I'm not even going to get into my thoughts on people who do not vaccinate their children) do so because we want to protect them.  Did you ever stop to think that if your vaccinations are not up to date then you are putting your and other young children and babies around you a chance at exposure before they are able to be fully vaccinated.  Makes sense right?  Do yourself and everyone around you a favor and get your boosters.   They don't cost a thing and most of you can get them at your family doctors office or clinic.  I'm sure your local public health unit would be a good place to start if you don't have a family doctor.  And yes, my vaccinations are up to date.  Now to get Shawn to go and get his vaccinations up to date too.


1001 Petals said...

I've asked, and all they've given me is the tetanus shot. I had some extras when I was in college as I was working with senior citizens for a while. I've wondered if my older vaccinations are still effective, like MMR and DTaP. I'm going to specifically question this on my next visit.

Miranda @ MirandasJeans said...

I am all up to date on my vaccinations. Yeah. I am also pretty sure that Kevin is too. My family Dr. is pretty good at keeping track of that stuff when we go in for our regular apts.

Cheryl said...

Good girls - to the both of you.

1001 petals - Because I worked in a group home, I had to have my Diphtheria and Tetanus shots up to date. I'm not really sure why pertussis wasn't included though come to think about it, I should ask about that because it can be deadly to infants. When I saw my MMR hadn't been done is over 10 years, I asked to get a booster.