Monday, May 16, 2011

My First Vegetable Garden

It finally feels like spring.  Although a little cold right now, it's nice that there is no more snow, that flowers are growing and leaves are blooming.  It's nice to look out the window and see green trees.  One sunny day last week, I was cleaning out a flower bed.  I am not greenthumb.  I don't really know a plant from a weed.  It was during this time that I thought to myself that since the flowerbed isn't being used aside from a few plants, I was going to try to grow a vegetable garden.  I dug out the few plants I knew weren't weeds and transplanted them to another flower bed, tilled the dirt, and added fresh soil.  Now it's time to get serious and plan out the garden and what I am going to try to grow.  I did buy some green beans, wax beans, carrots and baby cucumbers.  I will likely also get a tomato plant or two, maybe some peppers.  Since this is my first time trying to grow anything, I'm thinking that may be enough.  Should be an interesting process.  I'm not expecting much, if anything.  It doesn't hurt to try.  I will  have to learn through trial and error.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You transplanted weeds into another garden? *LOL*