Monday, July 28, 2008

Baby Gear

Now that Oliver is crawling and pulls to stand, he isn't very interested in his baby activities anymore such as the Jumperoo and exersaucer. It's nice finally being able to get rid of these things. They are just so big and take up so much room. Not like the space they were taking up won't be replaced with other toys but at least they will be toys that will hopefully get played with. It's been hard for me to decide if I want to keep all of his baby things that he outgrows, you know just in case or just get rid of it. I kind of enjoy just having my two kids and a family of four is a good, manageable size. Some days though, I think to myself that maybe, just maybe I want to have another baby in a couple of years. But do I? I hate to think that Oliver is going to be my last pregnancy and baby. I'm not even 30, do I want to be done having kids already? I think this is just one thing we are going to have to play by ear and just wait it out and see. It was much easier after having Jack because I knew I never wanted to just have one. I guess I will just have to wait and see what the big man upstairs has in store for me. Until then, I'm at least getting rid of the big large items that should be easily replaced.

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