Thursday, July 17, 2008

Time. Where does it go?

Not much going on over here at our place although I can hardly believe that it is already Thursday evening. Where has the week gone? Jack played his lat game of Blastball this week. You could easily tell he'd been only 3 of the 6 weeks. He didn't even play. He claimed he was "too scared". What he was afraid of, I'm still not sure. I'm guessing the fact that there was other people there. That boy is not a fan of the people. I'm afraid to admit that he has inherited the "I don't mesh well with people I don't know" gene from me. He does not do well in new and unfamiliar situations. Neither do I. It's going to be really interesting when it's time to return to work and he has to go back to daycare. I'm hoping it will make it easier for him with Oliver there. Ugh, speaking of work, only 3 more months until it's time to go back. You think having a year off is a long time, but man it goes by so quickly. Blink. I have my baby. Blink. He can roll. Blink he can sit. Blink. He crawls. Although it's nice being home with the kids, it's also going to be nice getting back to work and being around other adults and having some non-kid related conversations. I'm still not sure how women stay at home every day with their children. I couldn't do it. I'm looking forward to going back to work. Where I'm going to work is a whole different story. I guess I should get working on that because before I know it, it's going to be time to return.

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