Sunday, December 21, 2008

We're Moving

Not very far. Not very far at all. We will be moving upstairs. We will be moving Feb 1st. Why bother you ask? Well we went up and looked at the apartment today (Shawn set this up today while he was outside shoveling), and well it is quite nicer than our apt is. A lot of things that I would like to do but am too lazy and non skilled too and well come on, Shawn doing like manual labor? Ha. One of the big things for me. The kitchen. I'm always saying how much I hate the kitchen and just want to paint the kitchen cupboards but I'm am just not ambitious enough to sand them and paint them. I wouldn't have to worry about it if I moved upstairs. It's already been done. All of the rooms have been freshly painted. The living room and hallway wouldn't be bright yellow anymore (yes, i hate painting that much i've lived with yellow walls), and best of all, they have a nice big deck that would become ours. this is what we like best. it was the whole reason that brought us to even checking the place out.
It doesn't leave me with much time. It's going to give me a good chance to go through some things and decide if it's really necessary that we keep it. Moving is also going to be tricky between all of us. Should be interesting.
I'm excited. I think we'll like it much better. How can we not?

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