Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm A Big Boy Now

I am very excited to say that Oliver is finally potty trained.  Back in August, I attempted to potty train him using a 3-Day potty training program.  After 5 full days of wet pants and floor, I gave up.  He just must not have been ready.  I know some of you may be thinking I gave up too easily but he made no effort.  He didn't even try to make it to the potty - ever.  I figured I'd just wait.
Fast forward to Friday Dec 10th.  I was looking after my nephews for the evening and watched an episode of Supernanny.  The family had a son who was also 3 and not potty trained.  Watching him was like watching Oliver back in August.  The Supernanny called the parents lazy.  I had to agree with her.  Not about them, but about me.  That is exactly what I was being.  It wasn't even like I took offence to it.  I knew she was right.  I knew I was being lazy.
I couldn't stop thinking about the stupid show all weekend so come Monday when Oliver got up, I put his pull ups out of his sight, put some underwear on him and decided I wasn't going back.  Getting underwear on him wasn't that easy.  He refused.  He cried and protested and wanted his pull up.  It was only when he wanted to go downstaris with me to do laundry that I could get him to put underwear on.  The rest is history.  It's been smooth sailing.  He's only had a handful of accidents.  He initiates going.  I rarely ever have to prompt him to go - usually just before a nap, bedtime or if we are going out.  I do still put a pull up on him at night.  Only twice has he woken up wet and both times were when he's fallen asleep at dinner time and not woken up until the next morning.  I will probably just put one on him until the bag is finished.  I am so very proud of him.  It may have taken a long time to get here but it's been going so smoothly I don't even care.  It was worth the wait. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

C'est La Vie

Today, we attempted to have family pictures taken.  Not only just us but I really wanted to get a picture of the grandkids on Shawn's side and Syd is even here so it was the perfect opportunity.  What a disaster!  Oliver was such a nightmare.  He just refused (aside for maybe 3 minutes) to cooperate.  I broke out all the bribes.  Candy, a new Hot Wheel, a color change Hot Wheel, Mcdonalds, anything he wanted at all.  I was that desparate.  Reed, he wanted nothing to do with being there either.  He cried more in the 90 minutes we were there then he has the 6 months he's been alive.  I didn't know what to do.  I wanted a picture so I told her to take them screams, tears and all.  Eventually, I just gave up and we left.  I didn't get any pictures that I wanted.  I wanted Reed to have his 6 month pictures done and that didn't happen either.  I don't know what was up with either of them.  It was such a horrible experience.  The photographer, Jillian was great.  She was very engaging and patient.  She gave it her best effort to get Oliver to cooperate.  I kept saying to myself "thank God she has 4 kids" because I like to think that she must have encountered such craziness either personally or professionally.  I was quite embarrassed.  It shall be interesting to see what kind of pictures we end up with.  I do know she got a few good ones of Jack on his own and I think of Oliver too for the 3 minutes he was cooperating.  Ahhh, c'est la vie!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Proud Moment

My Pride and Joy
Yesterday, Reed had his 6 month well baby check up.  Because Shawn is working nights this week, I bundled up the three kids and off to the doctor's office we went.  I was half dreading this trip to the doctors office with three kids in tow.  Let's face it, the wait times can sometimes be long and offices are pretty boring.  If our doctor's office lacks anything, it's any form of children entertainment.  I can remember my doctor's office as a kid always having a little place in the corner that held toys and books.  This doctor's office, not so much.  It holds only a few books.
As the time went on I thought to myself, this is going pretty good.  The kids are being really good, Jack played his DS a little, they had snacks, I read them some books, they played with their hot wheels and ran around and chased each other.  We had snuggles and played rock, paper, scissors.  I thought they were good boys.  They sometimes needed a gentle reminder not to scream or talk so loud but they were good.  We waited about 40-45 minutes for the appointment then had to wait another 20 minutes after to see the nurse for Reed's needles.
When Reed's turn came for his needles, we all piled into the little room the nurse uses for giving  needles and measuring/weighing infants.  As she is preparing the needles she tells me the following:
"I just had a lady in here and she was telling me there is a young lady out there with 3 young children.  At first she said she felt bad thinking about how busy you must be (I'm thinking it was more she was dreading seeing me get there with three young kids lol) but that those 3 kids were so good she couldn't believe it.  She told the nurse I should be proud of myself for having such great kids and that I have done a great job."  I was so proud.  I was wearing it on my face.  I found it very nice she shared this with me.  It was nice to hear.  We ended up riding the elevator down with said lady and her husband.  She repeated everything herself to me.  She told me I have a beautiful family (I do) and she told the boys they were so good that Santa must be coming to their house (he is).  She told me I am doing a good job and to keep loving my boys (I will).  I thanked her, she wished us a Merry Christmas and off we went our separate ways.   
So to the random lady at the doctor's office, thank you.  Thank you for seeing that my boys are good kids.  Thank you for taking the time to take note they are and tell me.  Thank you for seeing that I love them.  Thank you for making my day.

Saturday, December 4, 2010