Sunday, December 19, 2010

C'est La Vie

Today, we attempted to have family pictures taken.  Not only just us but I really wanted to get a picture of the grandkids on Shawn's side and Syd is even here so it was the perfect opportunity.  What a disaster!  Oliver was such a nightmare.  He just refused (aside for maybe 3 minutes) to cooperate.  I broke out all the bribes.  Candy, a new Hot Wheel, a color change Hot Wheel, Mcdonalds, anything he wanted at all.  I was that desparate.  Reed, he wanted nothing to do with being there either.  He cried more in the 90 minutes we were there then he has the 6 months he's been alive.  I didn't know what to do.  I wanted a picture so I told her to take them screams, tears and all.  Eventually, I just gave up and we left.  I didn't get any pictures that I wanted.  I wanted Reed to have his 6 month pictures done and that didn't happen either.  I don't know what was up with either of them.  It was such a horrible experience.  The photographer, Jillian was great.  She was very engaging and patient.  She gave it her best effort to get Oliver to cooperate.  I kept saying to myself "thank God she has 4 kids" because I like to think that she must have encountered such craziness either personally or professionally.  I was quite embarrassed.  It shall be interesting to see what kind of pictures we end up with.  I do know she got a few good ones of Jack on his own and I think of Oliver too for the 3 minutes he was cooperating.  Ahhh, c'est la vie!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this the same 3 boys who got praised for such "great" behaviour last week at the Dr's? *LOL*
Ahhhh kids, ya gotta love them "unconditionally", you have to take the bad with the good....It just wasn't a good day for them...amybe try again in a week or so :-)