Monday, February 7, 2011

Happy 6th Birthday Jack

It was exactly 6 years ago, at 0516 Jack's wet, slippery body was placed in my arms and I offically became a mother.  It was this day, that my life changed forever.  Please, bare with me as I reflect on this time,
Our first meeting
I can still remember so vividly the day I found out I was pregnant.  It was an unexpected shock.  As I was walking into the clinic to get some birth control pills (I had no more refills, which I didn't find out until I went to renew my prescription), I certainly wasn't expecting to be walking out with a prenatal package.  It was the scariest day of my life.  I was scared as hell, shocked, stunned even.  Shawn and I had only been dating a little over a year and a half.  The topic of having children had never really come up.  What the hell was I going to tell my mother?  Although I was okay with being pregnant (I was in a relationship, I had graduated college, I had a job, I was 24), I knew my Mom would be disappointed that I wasn't married.  I waited a long time before getting the balls to finally tell her.  If I remember correctly, I was 11 weeks.  It was after I had my first ultrasound.  I didn't know how to tell her so I just got her to sit down, close her eyes and I placed the ultrasound pictures in her lap.  Needless to say, she was very surprised.  Her first words being "Are you ready for this?" like I had a choice anymore.  Too late to be thinking about that Mom. ;)
30 weeks
I had the best pregnancy every.  I had very little to no morning sickness.  I think maybe twice I felt nauseous.  I felt great the entire time.  Not that I was in denial about being pregnant, but it was nice to be able to just carry on as if I wasn't (aside from a few minor tweak).  I never had to miss any work.  I worked right up until a week before Jack was born.  I didn't need to modify my work at all.  I simply carried on.  I think I will always remember getting busted by my supervisor scrubbing the bathroom floor on my hands and knees.  I think I was 37 weeks along.  I think I did more nesting at work than at home.  I don't think I did any nesting at home.  I gained a whopping 40lbs when I was pregnant.  I very much went the whole "I'm pregnant and I can eat what I want, whenever I want" route.  My biggest weakness:  the brownie.  I ate one just about every single day.  My days were not the same without one.  One time, my roomate ate the last one.  Good thing he was at work when this was discovered because it probably wouldn't have been pretty. lol  Despite my 40lb weight gain, I didn't get any stretch marks.  Well, I got I think two, tiny little ones.  Hardly noticeable.
Labor and delivery went very smoothly.  It was Superbowl Sunday.  I had gone to bed pretty early, probably like 7pm.  At 9, I woke up having to go to the bathroom.  I went.  I went a few times, peeing only a few drops at a time.  I was feeling a little crampy but thought nothing.  At 11pm, I was still getting these cramps so I called the hospital.  All this time, Shawn is downstairs watching the Superbowl.  I haven't mentioned a thing to him.  She asks me a couple of questions then suggests we go in just to be assessed.  My first thoughts "oh shit.  shawn has been downstairs having some beers."  I wasn't due for another week.  I go downstairs and tell Shawn what has been going on the past two hours and tell him we need to go to the hospital.  Luckily, I don't think he was too many beers deep as it was a work day the next year.  Regardless, he drove me to the hospital.  Once there, they hooked me up to the fetal monitors.  When the Dr decided to check to see if I was dilated at all, it was discovered I was already dilated 8cm!!  That freaked me out.  I still had to call my Mom.  She still had a 2 hour drive to make.  I wanted my Mom!!  They took me to the delivery room.  I asked for an epidural.  Being as far along as I was and managing as good as I was, the nurse didn't think it was necessary and tried to talk me out of it.  I had just been so dead set on getting one that  I didn't pay any attention to what the nurse was saying to me and insisted on having one.  Looking back now, and having delivered two more babies naturally, I wish I had listened to her.  45 minutes of pushing and my little bambino was born.  All 6lbs 14oz of him.
Minutes within being born
My life has never been the same since.  The intense feeling of love you feel for you children is beautiful and scary.  From the very first second you see them and hold them you would do anything in the world to protect them.  Not a single thing in the world matter more and it's crazy when you think that and you have only just met them.
I'm very proud of the young man Jack is becoming.

At 6, Jack can count to at least 120.
At 6, his favorite thing to do is play wii
At 6, his best friend is his cousin Nicholas
It has been 4 years since Jack has eaten a vegetable
At 6, Jack loves Star Wars.
His favorite toy is his General Grievous lightsaber.
At 6, Jack still has and sleeps with his blankies
At 6, Jack is the best big brother I can expect him to be
At 6, Jack still loves to cuddle as much as ever and I love it!

Happy 6th Birthday my little Jack Attack.  Mommy is very, very proud of you and I love you to infinity and beyond!
My handsome boy


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful story, and I am soooo happy I made to his delivery on time. You have certainly Blessed me with three wonderful, gorgeous grandsons, and i wouldn't want it any other way. I am so proud of all of them and both you and Shaun as parents as well.
Keep up the GREAT work!
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

OOOPS...Sorry Shawn, I spelt your name wrong :-(

1001 Petals said...

Happy Birthday to Jack!

And wow, how lucky were you with that pregnancy and delivery!

Unknown said...

Love the blog and pictures! But I remember a certain someone convincing you an epidural was the only way to go! hehe Funny how things always work out for the best in the end.

Anonymous said...

Awe sister I love when you write these things. Wish I was more like that!!! xoxoxoxox HAPPY 6TH Bday Jackster!