Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's Almost That Time

So holy shit.  It occured to me just the other day that I am due to return to work in (gasp), 3 more months!
I cannot believe that 1-Reed is 9 months old now (well days away from being) and that 2-It's almost that time.  The time to return to my other job.  My job that pays. 
Of course I can believe it's almost time because I've done this twice before but for some reason, the time seems to have gone by way faster this time around. 
With only 3 months to go, I should be getting on things like I don't know, maybe looking for daycare for the kids.  I have no idea how or where I am going to find daycare that is going to have an opening for 3 kids, is within walking distance to school and accomodates shift workers.  Oh, do I hear a near impossible?  Oh let me add to this list.  They won't be going full time.  They might not even need to go the same days every week This should be fun.  I do have a phone number for two home daycares that do accomodate shift work, and one of those is within walking distance of school.  I just don't know that they will be able to take all 3 kids.  It's hard looking right now too because I don't know what days exactly I will need someone.  I work part time (Mon, Wed, Thurs and every other Saturday).  Shawn is in the midst of starting a new job so I have no idea what his schedule is going to be like until his training is finished.  I think this is the beginning of April.  Oh that's cutting it close.  I'm hoping that between our two schedules, we can work it out so the kids don't need to go to daycare very often or at all.  I do however know that I am not looking forward to paying the daycare bill for 3 kids!!  Ouch.  It's going to hurt.  Lets all pray we can work it out so they go very little.  My bank account will thank you for those prayers. 
As much as I enjoy being home with the boys, I am also looking forward to going back to work.  I like my job.  I like the people I work with.  I like the time away from the kids.  This full time SAHM thing just isn't my cup of tea.  Working part time is a good balance.  I still get to be home with the kids during the day (I work evenings), 2 days a week plus every other Saturday and all Sundays plus I still get to go out and use my brain and skills outside of the house.  I couldn't ask for a better work arrangement while the kids are still small. 

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