Thursday, March 31, 2011


I have done nothing but be a slacker all month.  I've been neglecting many little corners of my life.
I had enough of the chaos that was surrounding me this week and went on a clean and purge bender.
I now have only the kitchen left to tackle and our bedroom closet.  It has felt very good.  Very refreshing.
I love freecycle because when I purge,  I put all the shit stuff I've collected into little lots, post them and people come and take it.  I don't have to go anywhere.  I don't have to do anything.  People just take it.  THANK YOU!   I've also unpacked from when I was at my Mom's last.  When was that you ask?  Oh the week of March Break.  If there is anything worse than packing, it's unpacking.  We tend to just live out of the suitcases once we get back home.
It's been a really long time since my kitchen floor has had a decent washing.  Spot wiping counts right?  Tell me it does.  Tell. Me. It. Does!  We very rarely ever eat at the kitchen table so it is just covered with a heaping pile of mess (eh Tiff).  Every time I clean it off I tell myself I'm not going to use it as a dumping ground.  That lasts until I have something in my hand I just want to put down and don't know what to do with. It's no wonder I've had to write Jack's teacher 2x this year to tell her I can't seem to find his sightwords (both times I found them buried under said crap on the table).  The second time, I also let her know that I lost my mind and couldn't find it either.   
Speaking of Jack.  He has lost two teeth.  His little toothless grin is very sweet.
He gets very excited when he finds a "piece of money" under his pillow.  The going rate for teeth these days seems to be a bit steep.  While "our" Tooth Fairy leaves only $2/tooth, the going rate apparently can be anywhere from $5-$20 to even a toy!  Seriously?  For a tooth?  I am unable to wrap my head around such a thing. 
My little Oliver.  Boy that kid is so cute.  With his big brown eyes and his sweet, little smile he could melt anyones heart.  He really is a sweet, caring and loving boy.  Honest.  He is also a little hellion.  He is at a frustrating age.  He's all "hey i'm a big boy" one minute and "i'm not a big boy" the next.  I've said it before and will say it again, the threes are horrible.  I don't believe there are "terrible twos".  I believe the threes are.  I often wonder how starting school is going to be for him.  He's still so little to me.  He is still going to be 3 when he starts school. 
Reed has finally cut a tooth.  He now has two teeth.  Took long enough.  Coincidence that every time Jack loses a tooth Reed sprouts one?  He has also figured out that he can move when up on all fours and not just rock back and forth although that seems to be his favorite thing to do.  He doesn't move far up on all fours but he can crawl.  He does know it is much faster to slither on his stomach so this is what he usually does. 
I'm working on getting him to use his pincer grasp.  He seems to be a little delayed in this area compared to the other two boys.  I know, don't compare the kids but I just feel like we should be beyond the raking and grasping.  I'm anxious for him to begin feeding himself and giving him real food.  I make a significant amount of my baby food so I know the food is "real" but I mean food that isn't mushed up together.  I guess I will just have to wait until he is ready. 
I have been completely neglecting my camera and haven't been taking many pictures of the kids.  I get mad at myself when I do this.  Goal for spring...take more pictures of the kids. 
Well school morning is calling so I should probably feed Jack some breakfast and make his lunch and all the fun things that go along with a school day. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

even tho you have more munchkins then me good to see another mom that slacks in the cleaning department. Hannah has hit that stage where she wants to help me clean and it's very hard to clean a toilet when your two year old wants to stick her hand in there too and wash cause she doesn't understand that CLR is not good for her cause if it's not why are your hands in there. It's funny too cause I use my table for an everything collector too. Ahh thank you for making me feel better I always wondered how everyone else with kids found the time to clean and when I say clean I mean like a really good cleaning not just spot cleaning either.
Jack looks really cute with no front teeth.
And yes don't compare your children, Reed's his own little man, and he'll do it in his own time. It took Hannah 8 months to crawl, like a crab too. and 4 months after that, 2 weeks after her 1st birthday she was walking.