Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Crazy Mosquito Bites

This past weekend we headed up to Shawanaga to visit Shawn's parents. Shawanaga is an Indian reserve located in Nobel which is about 20-30 minutes north of Parry Sound. It seems we tend to make it up there every year in early June. It's an easy way to get Mother's Day, Dave's birthday, Father's Day and Shawn's birthday all taken care with at one time. It's always such a busy time of year with so many celebrations. Shawn's sister Laura and her husband Johnathon as well as their two sons Nicholas and Shane also came up. Derek too. He is one of Shawn's best friends. It was a full house but we had a lot of fun, aside from all of the bugs.
Speaking of bugs, Jack tends to have allergic reactions to mosquito bites. He got a good bite on his left ear which caused his ear to swell and stick out. I finally broke down and gave him some children's Reactine after speaking with the pharmacist. I say this because I don't like to give my kids or take myself, medicine unless it is really, really needed. Aside from catching him rub in once in awhile (which I'm assuming he does when it itches), it doesn't really seem to bother him. The pharmacist told me it's important to get the swelling down because it could cause a breakdown of something (I don't remember what) which would require an antibiotic. His ear looks much better today.Oliver is 7 months old today!! I can hardly believe it. It certainly doesn't feel like it's already been 7 months. He has grown and changed so much. He is just a big bundle of sweetness. There is nothing sweeter or more rewarding then watching my children grow into the little people they are too quickly becoming. Along with that goes watching their ever-evolving relationship. Oliver's eyes light up and he always get a giant smile on his face each and every time he sees Jack. Jack notices this and it excites him. He will even say to me "I think he loves me Mommy, I think he loves me!" He is very good to Oliver. Always there when Oliver cries, he gives him random hugs and even shares his toys with him once in awhile. It's just all so exciting.

We are in Midland now for the rest of the week. Jody goes for her 2nd ultrasound tomorrow. I am so excited. I am going to go with her. I can't wait to see her little babe who is growing inside of her. I'm even more excited to find out if I'm going to have a new niece or nephew. I will let you all know in my next post. Until then, enjoy every day as if it's your last. xo


Laura said...

I think Jody is having a girl!

Anonymous said...

Nope...she is having a boy....boys only on this side of the family *LOL*
She will have a second chance on finding the gender out on the 2nd of July