Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm already starting to miss him and he hasn't even left yet.

Well the Jackster is off to Midland today to spend a few days. Somehow, these few days always turn into a week or more. I'm going to miss the little guy while he is away. The house is certainly going to be eerily quiet with him not here. It's going to be nice though to have some 1:1 time with Oliver. Although Jack has adjusted well to having a new person in our home and being a big brother, he can be pretty demanding for your time and attention. I sometimes feel bad for Oliver that I don't have all the time I wish I did to spend alone with him. It's a real balancing act trying to fit in enough 1:1 time with each of the kids. At least Oliver still takes 2 naps every day which provides me with plenty of time to hang out and play with Jack.
Have fun with my little boy Nana and Grampa. I hope you realize how hard it is for him to be away for such a long time.

Oh, and just want to say thank you to Chantal, Kyle and Milli for taking my Jack up north to see my parents. They really, really do appreciate it and I do too! xo

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