Not much is going on around here. Jack is growing smarter every day. It's amazing to me the development in his language this past year. I think he is going to be a into computers just like Shawn. He can already turn on the computer, load up a web browser and navigate his way around various websites. He has pretty good mouse control and he picked up using the mouse pad on the laptop pretty quick too. He's cute too. He likes using the headphones when he is using the laptop. He always looks like he is hard at work.

He sure is sweet though. I always just want to pick him up and squeeze him tight.
He had the pleasure of getting a haircut from Jack the other day. I suppose I left a pair of scissors within Jack's reach. The thought never crossed my mind that Jack would ever pick them up and try to cut his or Oliver's hair. I didn't even know Jack could even use a pair of scissors. Boy was I lucky I saw him when I did and that no eyes were poked out or ears were cut. The cut is not too bad and not really noticeable unless you are looking for it. He only made the one cut. I will have to take a picture and post it.
Oliver is still a great eater. He will eat everything and anything. I am very thankful for this and hope so much that he continues to be. It's by far the one struggle I have with Jack. I know this is partly my fault. I think if we sat around the table and ate dinner as a family, this would eventually change. The problem is, we need a new table that fits better in our kitchen that would allow us to sit around it. That's my excuse anyway.
I'm off to load the dishwasher and try to squeeze in a shower before Oliver's morning nap is over. Wish me luck!
Oliver's haircut as promised. Notice the top right.
that's right cheryl, I'm a dedicated reader and friend (what can I say?) I always want you to post more often.....
see??? even look at the time!
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