Aside from time going by at warp speed, not much has been going on.
Father's Day weekend we went up north to Shawanaga to spend the weekend with Shawn's parents as we do most years. This year however we decided to send Oliver to my Mom's for the weekend. Having Oliver at Shawn's parents would have just been a disaster. Of course with the bugs being at their peak, Jack was again eaten alive. The poor kid. He reacts so badly to mosquito bites. One morning he woke up and couldn't even open one of his eyes because it had swollen so much from a bite near his eye. It was then that I thought it would be a good idea for him to go to Nana's too.
I had invited my Dad to come up to Shawanaga for the weekend too so I sent Jack to Midland when he went back home. Aside from the bugs, it was a nice visit.
This Tuesday night, we headed up to Laura's to play some poker. Upon getting Jack ready for bed, I noticed he had quite the rash all over his body. It kind of freaked me out a little but I chalked it up to he's been playing outside and has some new mosquito bites. I never know what to expect when he gets bit by a mosquito.
When he woke up in the morning, the rash was looking a lot better and a few hours after that it was almost completely gone. I was wondering if maybe it was 5th Disease.
Because Jack didn't get a whole lot of sleep, we decided Jack should have a rest/nap yesterday. When he got up from his rest/nap, the rash at exploded all over his body again including creeping onto his face. It made me nervous that it was now on his face so I decided to take him to the walk in clinic.
Turns out, he had hives. The hives could have been caused by one of 4 things. Tuesday (the day the rash first appeared) when I gave Jack his bath, I used to body wash for bubbles and washed his hair with my shampoo. Both a first. The mosquito bites though I don't think it was from that because he's never broken out in hives - just big welts and bumps. Lastly, the Dr said his body could just be having a reaction to a virus. Because Jack also has a bit of a runny nose, the Dr stated it was probably the later. Poor little guy. He of course refused to make any kind of medication so I've had to sneak the Benadryl into a cup of juice. I've learned not to try to sneak things into milk. One day when trying to give him some Advil in his milk he said to me "Mommy, my milk tastes like dirt" LOL I wish they made children's medicine into chewable pill form. It really would make things a lot easier for me.
This weekend we will be going to Laura and Johnathon's 4th of July party. Should be good times. It's nice too that the kids are able to come and enjoy themselves and there is room for them to sleep. I wonder how I will be feeling Sunday morning. I'm not a big drinker so I'm sure it will be me up with the kids while Shawn enjoys a nice little sleep in. Of course if I do decide to have a few bevvies, it will be just the complete opposite. We shall wait and see.